For those of you enamored with the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP), Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) and Afloat Forward Staging Base (AFSB) ships manned by the MSC for the USN, things are a-changing.
Per Secnav:
In January at the 2015 Surface Navy Association symposium, #SECNAV announced that LCS would be redesignated as FF. He also talked about changing the designations of ships such as JHSV, AFSB and MLP to find designators for these ships more grounded in tradition, innovation and the creative thinking that characterizes the missions of today’s Fleet. The new designators of those ships will be:
JHSV to “Expeditionary Fast Transport” – EPF
MLP to “Expeditionary Transfer Dock” – ESD
AFSB to “Expeditionary Mobile Base” – ESB